Sudanese Human Rights Commission to be formed

A new Sudanese Human Rights Commission will be established, Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok announced on Sunday. It will consist of 18 members, headed by the Minister of Justice. The most important task of the new commission is to involve civil society members who are active in the field of human rights in public workshops, Hamdok said.

Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok announces the establishment of a Human Rights Commission in Sudan (SUNA)

A new Sudanese Human Rights Commission will be established, Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok announced on Sunday. It will consist of 18 members, headed by the Minister of Justice.

The most important task of the new commission is to involve civil society members who are active in the field of human rights in public workshops, Hamdok said.

The commission must also ensure that women, youth, people with special needs, displaced people, refugees and civil society as a whole are represented when the commission prepares periodic reports on the human rights situation in Sudan.

The Sudanese Human Rights Commission will coordinate reports and responses provided by Sudan to international and regional mechanisms in the field of human rights. It will also discuss its reports with these mechanisms and follow up on their observations and recommendations, in cooperation with the Sudan’s legislative and judicial authorities.

In the Constitutional Document, signed in August 2019 between the then ruling Transitional Military Council and the opposition Forces for Freedom and Change, the establishment of a Human Rights Commission was agreed upon (articles 38 and 66).

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