Sudanese activists submit memo to Human Rights Council in Khartoum

The Committee of Solidarity with Victims of the September protests has submitted a memorandum to the Sudanese Human Rights Council in Khartoum on Tuesday, concerning the political detainees and the widespread suppression of civil freedoms in the country.
The memorandum tackles four pressing issues, Siddig Yousef, the chairman of the Committee told Radio Dabanga.
He pointed to the detention of 19 Darfuris in March 2014. “They were held for six months in a prison in Nyala before they were accused of taking part in the Darfur insurgency.” He said that the detainees were taken from their homes, while they had no weapons in their possession.

The Committee of Solidarity with Victims of the September protests has submitted a memorandum to the Sudanese Human Rights Council in Khartoum on Tuesday, concerning the political detainees and the widespread suppression of civil freedoms in the country.

The memorandum tackles four pressing issues, Siddig Yousef, the chairman of the Committee told Radio Dabanga.

He pointed to the detention of 19 Darfuris in March 2014. “They were held for six months in a prison in Nyala before they were accused of taking part in the Darfur insurgency.” He said that the detainees were taken from their homes, while they had no weapons in their possession.

“The second issue concerns the seven combatants of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), who have been sentenced to death in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, without a fair trial.

“The memo further mentions the continued confiscation of Sudanese newspapers and the sabotage of news websites by the National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), as well as the security's repeated summoning of Sudanese Congress Party’s activists.


