Sudan security summons more medics

An increasing number of medical doctors have been summoned by Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS).
In a statement on Sunday, the Central Committee of Doctors reported that more than 27 physicians were summoned by the security apparatus over the weekend, including spokesman Dr Hossam El Ameen El Badawi.
Following a strike of two weeks, the Committee reached an agreement with the Second Vice-President and Health Minister on the improvement of the working conditions in government hospitals.

An increasing number of medical doctors have been summoned by Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS).

In a statement on Sunday, the Central Committee of Doctors reported that more than 27 physicians were summoned by the security apparatus over the weekend, including spokesman Dr Hossam El Ameen El Badawi.

Following a strike of two weeks, the Committee reached an agreement with the Second Vice-President and Health Minister on the improvement of the working conditions in government hospitals.

New law

The issues concerned the preparation of a new law to protect doctors and medical staff against attacks by patients and their relatives, better payment, an adjustment in the regulations for training abroad, free treatment in emergencies and for children under five, and the reinstatement of all doctors dismissed during the strike.

In response, the doctors temporarily suspended the strike to give the government time to implement the agreement. However, spokesman El Badawi, told this station on Friday that as the government did not keep its commitments, the medics will resume their strike for two days next Tuesday.

