Sudan security arrests Communist Party members, Blue Nile

Sudan’s security agents have arrested a leading member of the Sudanese Communist Party in Blue Nile state on Wednesday, the party’s Secretary-General Suleiman Ali said. Ali said that party member Ibrahim Musa was taken by security agents from his National Authority for Forestry office in the state, and taken to an unknown location. Another senior member of the opposition party in the same area was arrested too, and is still in detention after more than three weeks, the Secretary-General said. Ali accused security agents of targeting the party members in the area by taking advantage of emergency laws imposed three years ago. He considered the arrest “a campaign against the Communist Party”, and demanded the release of both detainees. “The National Dialogue and general elections cannot go ahead as opposition party members are being detained,” he said. Map: Blue Nile state in Sudan Related: ‘Release political detainees in Sudan immediately’: activists (27 October 2014)  ‘Al Bashir nomination complicates Sudan’s crises’: opposition (24 October 2014)

Sudan’s security agents have arrested a leading member of the Sudanese Communist Party in Blue Nile state on Wednesday, the party’s Secretary-General Suleiman Ali said.

Ali said that party member Ibrahim Musa was taken by security agents from his National Authority for Forestry office in the state, and taken to an unknown location.

Another senior member of the opposition party in the same area was arrested too, and is still in detention after more than three weeks, the Secretary-General said.

Ali accused security agents of targeting the party members in the area by taking advantage of emergency laws imposed three years ago. He considered the arrest “a campaign against the Communist Party”, and demanded the release of both detainees.

“The National Dialogue and general elections cannot go ahead as opposition party members are being detained,” he said.

Map: Blue Nile state in Sudan


‘Release political detainees in Sudan immediately’: activists (27 October 2014)

 ‘Al Bashir nomination complicates Sudan’s crises’: opposition (24 October 2014)

