Sudan resistance committees publish June protest escalation schedule

The Khartoum Resistance Committees announced today, a schedule of escalation to protest the coup government, in coordination with resistance committees nationwide. They planned on holding a ‘March of the Millions’ on June 16 and 30, as well as demonstrations on the Monday of every week in June (6, 13, 20, 27).

Protesters take to streets in Khartoum 2019 (Photo Credit: Ayman Suliman-UN Sudan)

The Khartoum Resistance Committees announced today, a schedule of escalation to protest the coup government, in coordination with resistance committees nationwide. They planned on holding a ‘March of the Millions’ on June 16 and 30, as well as demonstrations on the Monday of every week in June (6, 13, 20, 27).

In a joint statement, that was not signed by the resistance committees in Greater Omdurman, they explained that the days not included in the schedule, will still be occupied by local neighbourhood resistance committees adhering to their respective schedules.

The committees affirmed that they would continue to utilise street-barricades to maintain their processionary routes.

US embassy invite Sudanese Resistance Committees coordination

The US embassy invited the Sudanese Resistance Committees coordination for a meeting with the US Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Molly Phee. In the invitation, the embassy explained that the meeting between the Resistance Committees and the Assistant Secretary, would aim to “resolve the crisis that occurred after the military's seizure of power in October 2021”.

The Assistant Secretary arrived in Sudan yesterday, beginning her five-day-stay till 9 June, to meet with various Sudanese stakeholders and political actors.

