Sudan botches assassination attempt of Khalil in Libya: JEM

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) accused the Sudanese government of planning an attempt to assassinate its leader, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, in Libya. Jibril Adam Bilal, the spokesperson of the movement, said in a press release that the movement managed to foil the plot to kill the chairman of the movement.

The Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) accused the Sudanese government of planning an attempt to assassinate its leader, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, in Libya. Jibril Adam Bilal, the spokesperson of the movement, said in a press release that the movement managed to foil the plot to kill the chairman of the movement. The Darfuri rebels claimed that they were able to determine the source of the attempt and stop it by foreknowledge of the means of the attempt.

Jibril Bilal affirmed that the movement knew which governmental entitities had paid 25 billion Sudanese pounds to an organization called Bijer B to carry out the operation and there is an investigation going on to know more facts.

Jibril warned the National Congress Party that it is stupid to try these attempts which have unknown consequences and would lead the country to a path the country has never taken before.

