Students attacked at Khartoum University, several injured

A number of students have reportedly been wounded by security agents during the first commemoration of the martyrdom of Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, former leader of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) at the University of Khartoum on Sunday, 23 December. A student told Radio Dabanga that security and police forces as well as supporters of the National Congress Party, attacked student supporters of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and student organizations during a commemoration event for former JEM leader, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim. It was reported that the security and police forces used machetes, sticks and batons and amputated the finger of student Ishaq Mohameddain, in addition to injuring Adam Idriss, Tihani Mohamed Hassan and Issa Idriss. Jibril Adam Bilal, spokesman of the JEM, told Radio Dabanga that Sunday, the first commemoration of the martyrdom of Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, is considered a national day in the history of the Sudanese resistance. The movement, he continued, considers this day a Memorial Day for all martyrs who gave their lives for the sake of Sudan. The movement used the opportunity to stress its commitment to the Sudanese issues and renewal of its determination to move forward with all political and military forces integrated in the Sudan Revolutionary Front and all sectors and segments of the Sudanese civil society to overthrow the regime and establish a state ‘where everybody is equal’.File photo: University of Khartoum

A number of students have reportedly been wounded by security agents during the first commemoration of the martyrdom of Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, former leader of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) at the University of Khartoum on Sunday, 23 December.

A student told Radio Dabanga that security and police forces as well as supporters of the National Congress Party, attacked student supporters of the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) and student organizations during a commemoration event for former JEM leader, Dr. Khalil Ibrahim.

It was reported that the security and police forces used machetes, sticks and batons and amputated the finger of student Ishaq Mohameddain, in addition to injuring Adam Idriss, Tihani Mohamed Hassan and Issa Idriss.

Jibril Adam Bilal, spokesman of the JEM, told Radio Dabanga that Sunday, the first commemoration of the martyrdom of Dr. Khalil Ibrahim, is considered a national day in the history of the Sudanese resistance.

The movement, he continued, considers this day a Memorial Day for all martyrs who gave their lives for the sake of Sudan.

The movement used the opportunity to stress its commitment to the Sudanese issues and renewal of its determination to move forward with all political and military forces integrated in the Sudan Revolutionary Front and all sectors and segments of the Sudanese civil society to overthrow the regime and establish a state ‘where everybody is equal’.

File photo: University of Khartoum

