Student and farmer killed in Darfur

Two people were shot dead by gunmen in separate incidents in Darfur on Thursday.

Two people were shot dead by gunmen in separate incidents in Darfur on Thursday.

In North Darfur's Kutum locality, gunmen wearing military uniforms killed student Tarig Suleiman in Kassab camp for displaced people.

A witness in the camp reported to Radio Dabanga that one of the gunmen, driving a motorcycle, opened fire on a group of displaced people who happened to be around a water pump. High school student Tarig Suleiman was killed on the spot.

The witness said the reasons for the attack are unknown.

In Central Darfur, farmer Adam Eisa Ahmed (35) was shot dead and Abdeljabbar Ismail Adam (27), also a farmer, was injured when gunmen shot them in the area of Brembo, 40 kilometres south of Mukjar.

The incident occurred at 3 a.m. on Thursday. A listener informed this station that Abdeljabbar Ismail was transferred in critical condition to Kabong hospital.

Police and a local rescue team have begun to track down the perpetrators.

