Spectrum of parties to oppose Sudan Constitution amendment
The Forces of Change, an alliance of generally rightist opposition parties in the Parliament have decided to oppose the proposal to amend the Constitution, which gives President Omar Al Bashir, who has ruled the country since 1989, the right to run for open terms instead of only two terms.

The Forces of Change, an alliance of generally rightist opposition parties in the Parliament have decided to oppose the proposal to amend the Constitution, which gives President Omar Al Bashir, who has ruled the country since 1989, the right to run for open terms instead of only two terms.
The head of the alliance has described in a statement the amendment as establishing the absolute dictatorship of the individual as the last nail in the coffin of national dialogue.
He has stressed that the alliance will oppose the amendment in various ways constitutionally and legally, in order not to allow those who addicted to the silent consensus to underestimate the country's gains by allowing the president to run for an open term and grant him the right to relieve the elected governor.
He stressed that there is no way to amend the Constitution except through a referendum so as not to pledge the Constitution to a minority representing 8 percent of the total Sudanese people.
Sudan Call
The parties of the Sudan Call, an alliance of generally leftist opposition parties and armed movements have described the step of the pro-government parties to amend the constitution through Parliament so as to allow Bashir, who has been in power since 1989, to run for unlimited terms as expected and not strange to this totalitarian regime or its formed parties used by the regime to legitimise its illegitimate power.
Khalid Omar confirmed to Radio Dabanga rejection of his party and the Sudan Call of any constitutional amendments and opposing it through its declared “Enough Campaign”.
He has stressed that the campaign will escalate through civil and peaceful action in the direction of overthrowing and dismantling this regime and ending the totalitarian regime in our country.
He stressed that the battle of the amendment will be fought by his party with the parties of the forces of Sudan Call by all political means, media and human rights and other peaceful means to change the regime and overthrow the totalitarian regime.
294 signatures
This week, 33 Parties in the Sudanese Parliament have presented 294 signatures to the Speaker of Parliament, Ibrahim Omar to amend article 57 of the country’s Constitution of 2005 regarding the duration of the presidential term, to be open without specifying more than one term, as well as the amendment of Article 178 of the Constitution on the nomination of Governors. The amendment will allow current President Omar Al Bashir to stand for another term.