South Kordofan gov describes situation after clashes as ‘dangerous’

A State of Emergency has been introduced in South Kordofan following clashes between Dar Ali, Kenana, and Logan in the Shabakah area of ​​Gedir locality which killed at least five people and wounded several others.

Fire arms collected from Kadugli in South Kordofan in May 2020 (Social media)

A State of Emergency has been introduced in South Kordofan following clashes between Dar Ali, Kenana, and Logan in the Shabakah area of ​​Gedir locality which killed at least five people and wounded several others.

The governor of the state, Hamid El Bashir, confirmed the death and injury of people due to the conflict, but said that “their numbers are not yet known” in a press statement. According to the statement, the state security committee will evacuate all residents of the conflict area.

On Friday, the governor declared the State of Emergency, along with a curfew from 17:00 to 6:00, in Gedir locality. Motorbikes and carrying weapons have been banned in public places except by the security authorities.

He said that the state security committee and the security committee of Gedir locality have been meeting “continuously” since the outbreak of violence.

He added that the security committee had sent joint forces to strengthen and calm the situation, which he described as “dangerous”. He appealed to the conflicting parties to "exercise restraint and stop the bloodshed and fighting," fearing that other parties supporting each other would interfere.

The governor also called on the central government to support the security situation with an evacuation plane.

The renewed clashes between Dar Ali, one of the subtribes of the El Hawazma tribe, and the Kenana Arifab tribe began on Wednesday, one month after a Cessation of Hostilities and Restraint agreement on was signed between native administration leaders and the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) in South Kordofan “to stop the bloodshed”.

South Kordofan witnessed protests earlier this year over the rampant insecurity in the region. In January and April, Radio Dabanga reported on a surge in violence and crime in the western parts of South Kordofan. People are particularly frustrated about the lack of police action.

