South Darfur teachers to strike against disbanding union

A new strike against the loss of their salaries has been announced by teachers in Gireida locality, following the commissioner’s decision to dissolve the teachers’ union.

The Teachers' Union of Gireida locality has threatened to enter into a strike next Tuesday, in protest against the decision by the locality’s commissioner to dissolve the union.

The head of the teachers’ union in South Darfur state, Adam El Zein, described to Radio Dabanga the commissioner’s decision as “illegal”. He claimed that it came as a reaction to the teachers’ demand of the recovery of five percent that has been deducted from their salaries for five months.

Last week, the union announced a strike, too. Teachers were present at the schools, but did not give any lectures.

El Zein added that after the commissioner had recognised the teachers’ demands, and committed to reimburse them, he returned to issueing the disbanding of the teachers' union.

“We will not recognise the commissioner’s illegal decision and will continue to demand [an improvement of] teachers' rights,” the union head stressed.

