South Darfur prisoners transferred to Sudan’s capital

Security officers in South Darfur have transferred a number of people who have been arrested under the state’s emergency measures to prisons in Khartoum.
A government official told the press in Khartoum on Wednesday that the Criminal Procedures Code grants the Minister of Justice the competence to refer cases to any other court in Sudan if there are sufficient reasons for the referral.
He explained that the detainees are charged with crimes related to murder, abduction and robbery. “They were transferred to Khartoum following threats by gunmen to free their relatives and colleagues by force from Kober prison in Nyala.”

Security officers in South Darfur have transferred a number of people who have been arrested under the state's emergency measures to prisons in Khartoum.

A government official told the press in Khartoum on Wednesday that the Criminal Procedures Code grants the Minister of Justice the competence to refer cases to any other court in Sudan if there are sufficient reasons for the referral.

He explained that the detainees are charged with crimes related to murder, abduction and robbery. “They were transferred to Khartoum following threats by gunmen to free their relatives and colleagues by force from Kober prison in Nyala.”

Yet, he did not give any details about the background of the gunmen.

He pointed out that this is not the first transferral of South Darfur prisoners to the Sudanese capital “because of the deteriorating security situation”, and said that most of the defendants are currently being tried at the Darfur Crimes Court in Khartoum North. 

