SLM-AW accuses Sudanese army of bombing two villages

The Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdul Wahid has accused the Sudanese army of bombing Aurakoja and Kormon in Jebel Marra killing two civilians on Sunday. The SLM-AW spokesman told Radio Dabanga that Sudanee forces bombed the two villages displacing residents. The spokesman also said the movement killed nine Sudanese soldiers and captured six vehicles on the road between Gildo and Golo on Friday.

The Sudan Liberation Movement led by Abdul Wahid has accused the Sudanese army of bombing Aurakoja and Kormon in Jebel Marra killing two civilians on Sunday.

The SLM-AW spokesman told Radio Dabanga that Sudanee forces bombed the two villages displacing residents.

The spokesman also said the movement killed nine Sudanese soldiers and captured six vehicles on the road between Gildo and Golo on Friday.

