Six students wounded in Omdurman clash

Groups of students using machetes and guns clashed in Omdurman on Tuesday morning, resulting in the serious injury to six Darfuri students.

Students who support the ruling …

Groups of students using machetes and guns clashed in Omdurman on Tuesday morning, resulting in the serious injury to six Darfuri students.

Students who support the ruling National Congress Party, backed by police and security forces, attacked a gathering of the Darfur Students Association in the Koran University in Omdurman, the head of the association told Radio Dabanga. Nasreldin Mukhtar said that other students sustained minor injuries, and a number have gone missing.

The six injured, including Mukhtar, were taken to Omdurman hospital for treatment: Shamseldin Abdallah, Abdelhalim Abdallah, Nasreldin Abdelkarim, Mohamed Omar, and Adam Malik.

Mukhtar said a number of the students who went missing are expected to have been arrested by the security apparatus.

“The attack came against the backdrop of the Darfur Students Association organising a speech to explain the reasons for a strike by the Darfuri students,” Mukhtar said. “It has continued for three days. They demand the implementation of the decisions by the President of the Republic, regarding the exemption of the Darfuri students from tuition fees.”

He said that the university administration has ignored the presidential decision. The association’s meetings with the dean have not produced any positive results, prompting them to continue their protest.

Students at a campus of El Ahliya University in Omdurman were attacked twice in September as National Congress Party students, backed by security forces, opened fire in a discussion corner.

Photos of the gathering of Darfuri students at the university in Omdurman made by a student:


