Singer Nancy Ajaj ambassador for Unicef Sudan

As the new national ambassador for the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef), Sudanese singer Nancy Ajaj will raise her voice to inspire action and support for a change towards safer and healthier environments for children in Sudan.

As the new national ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef), Sudanese singer Nancy Ajaj will raise her voice to inspire action and support for a change towards safer and healthier environments for children in Sudan.

The appointment of the famous singer as ambassador was announced by Unicef on Thursday. At the press conference in the premises of the Unicef office in Khartoum, Ajaj said that she wants a Sudan where children can live in safety from violence and diseases that can be combated, where they can easily access education and equal rights. “A Sudan where every child gets fair opportunities.” 

Nancy has vowed to raise her voice and use her contacts and networks to inspire action, build momentum for children, and mobilise support, especially for the neediest children.

Unicef representative in Sudan, Abdallah El Fadil, welcomed Nancy Ajaj to the organisation and added that she will work with Unicef as a major promoter of children's rights. An event at the Green Square on 15 and 16 December will celebrate the new ambassador against the backdrop of the celebration of the 70th year of work of Unicef in Sudan this year.

Ajaj has worked before as an ambassador for initiatives for children that promoted washing hands with soap and water and exclusive breastfeeding for each child during the first six months after birth.

Among Sudanese people she is known for her keenness to improve the conditions for children, especially girls, and is expected to be a leading advocate for the rights of the most vulnerable children in particular.

