Series of rape crimes throughout Darfur

Relatives of rape victims reported on violent attacks on female camp residents from North, South and West Darfur. Three displaced women from camp Armankul in West Darfur, Sirba locality, were abducted some kilometers away from the camp by ten gunmen loyal to the government. The girls were on their way to collect wood. A relative said the girls were found in a forest by camp residents. The residents went to the Armankul police to report on the incident, but the police refused to file the rape crimes. Earlier this week, two women from the same camp were raped. In North Darfur, in Shangil Tobaya, three displaced girls from camp Jurab Alrai were attacked and raped by a pro-government armed group. The girls, 13, 15 and 16 years old, had been repeatedly raped according to sources in Shangil Tobaya. They were transferred for treatment to a clinic of the international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in the camp. Camp residents told Radio Dabanga they reported the incident to UNAMID and the police. This morning an 11-year old girl from Gereida, South Darfur, was raped by two armed men. The mother of the victim told Radio Dabanga she was collecting firewood with her daugter when the armed men attacked her daughter. She rushed to the displaced camp in Gereida to ask for help. As camp residents found the girl, the perpetrators had already fled the scene. The victim is severely injured and transferred to Gereida hospital.

Relatives of rape victims reported on violent attacks on female camp residents from North, South and West Darfur.

Three displaced women from camp Armankul in West Darfur, Sirba locality, were abducted some kilometers away from the camp by ten gunmen loyal to the government. The girls were on their way to collect wood. A relative said the girls were found in a forest by camp residents. The residents went to the Armankul police to report on the incident, but the police refused to file the rape crimes. Earlier this week, two women from the same camp were raped.

In North Darfur, in Shangil Tobaya, three displaced girls from camp Jurab Alrai were attacked and raped by a pro-government armed group. The girls, 13, 15 and 16 years old, had been repeatedly raped according to sources in Shangil Tobaya. They were transferred for treatment to a clinic of the international medical organisation Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in the camp. Camp residents told Radio Dabanga they reported the incident to UNAMID and the police.

This morning an 11-year old girl from Gereida, South Darfur, was raped by two armed men. The mother of the victim told Radio Dabanga she was collecting firewood with her daugter when the armed men attacked her daughter. She rushed to the displaced camp in Gereida to ask for help. As camp residents found the girl, the perpetrators had already fled the scene. The victim is severely injured and transferred to Gereida hospital.

