Security Service arrest 4 men in W. Darfur and hold without charge

The security service arrested four people in El Geneina and held them without charge for seven days. The detainees are Izzeldin Adam Abdulrahman from Mornei, Saleh Arbab from Tabarik, Jamal Abdul-Jabbar Sheda from Gubaya and Abdullah Abu Bakr Zubeir from Kereinek.

The security service arrested four people in El Geneina and held them without charge for seven days. The detainees are Izzeldin Adam Abdulrahman from Mornei, Saleh Arbab from Tabarik, Jamal Abdul-Jabbar Sheda from Gubaya and Abdullah Abu Bakr Zubeir from Kereinek.They are being detained on the premises of the security services in El Geneina in West Darfur.  Radio Dabanga learnt that there were no charges pressed against the detainees and that the security services prevented their families and a committee of the civil administration from meeting the detainees. The security told the committee in the reception that the men are still under investigation. Human rights activists are appealing for their immediate release. 

