Second phase of yellow fever campaign in C Darfur

Central Darfur’s Minister of Health, Issa Mohamed Moussa Yousif, announced on Tuesday, 18 December, the start of the second stage of the yellow fever vaccination campaign in the localities of Bendessey and Mukjar.He told Radio Dabanga that the vaccination campaign in the two localities will continue for about 12 days. The minister explained that the targeted number of people in the locality of Mukjar is about 69,000 and 67,000 in Bendessey.He appealed to all citizens to visit the vaccination centers in the two localities as soon as possible.Furthermore, he revealed the emergence of eight new cases of yellow fever in the state, explaining that five of the cases came from Jebel Amer and the other three from the locality of Zalingei. The minister noted that the number of infections in the state has reached 424, while no new cases were added to the death toll.South DarfurIn South Darfur, the second phase of the campaign has begun at Nyala Stadium, targeting more than one million citizens in the localities of Nyala, Bilail, Salam, Nitega and the camps for displaced.The state’s Minister of Health, Ahmed Tayyeb said in a press statement that the campaign will continue for a period of twelve days, in conjunction with the vaccination campaign against polio, for all children in the state.He stated that the vaccines for the third phase are expected to arrive in Sudan next Sunday, so as to vaccinate the entire population of the state.  On his part, the director of comprehensive vaccination in the state, Siddiq Abdullah Abbaker, noted that the campaign which began in Nyala is implented through 122 location centers including schools, health centers and temporary centers for citizens.

Central Darfur’s Minister of Health, Issa Mohamed Moussa Yousif, announced on Tuesday, 18 December, the start of the second stage of the yellow fever vaccination campaign in the localities of Bendessey and Mukjar.

He told Radio Dabanga that the vaccination campaign in the two localities will continue for about 12 days. The minister explained that the targeted number of people in the locality of Mukjar is about 69,000 and 67,000 in Bendessey.

He appealed to all citizens to visit the vaccination centers in the two localities as soon as possible.

Furthermore, he revealed the emergence of eight new cases of yellow fever in the state, explaining that five of the cases came from Jebel Amer and the other three from the locality of Zalingei. The minister noted that the number of infections in the state has reached 424, while no new cases were added to the death toll.

South Darfur

In South Darfur, the second phase of the campaign has begun at Nyala Stadium, targeting more than one million citizens in the localities of Nyala, Bilail, Salam, Nitega and the camps for displaced.

The state’s Minister of Health, Ahmed Tayyeb said in a press statement that the campaign will continue for a period of twelve days, in conjunction with the vaccination campaign against polio, for all children in the state.He stated that the vaccines for the third phase are expected to arrive in Sudan next Sunday, so as to vaccinate the entire population of the state.  

On his part, the director of comprehensive vaccination in the state, Siddiq Abdullah Abbaker, noted that the campaign which began in Nyala is implented through 122 location centers including schools, health centers and temporary centers for citizens.

