Scorpions kill three children in Sudan’s River Nile

Three children died this week after being stung by scorpions in Abuhamid Locality in Sudan’s River Nile state.

Three children died this week after being stung by scorpions in Abuhamid Locality in Sudan’s River Nile state.

Mohammed Nazir, a relative of one of the children, told Radio Dabanga that this is not an uncommon occurrence. He says that ‘dozens’ of children have died as there is no anti-venom available in the area.

He appealed to the authorities to send a supply of scorpion anti-venom to health centres in the state, to avoid the repeated of the death of children.


The deathstalker scorpion (Leiurus quinquestriatus, meaning five-striped smooth-tail) is common in desert and scrubland areas across North Africa and the Middle East. It is regarded as the most dangerous species of scorpion with venom containing a nasty mixture of neurotoxins. It is so prolific in Sudan that it is often commony referrred to as the Omdurman scorpion.

While a deathstalker sting is very painful, it will not normally kill a healthy adult, but can be fatal to children and the elderly.

