Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Emirates welcome Sudan Constitutional Declaration

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) welcomed the agreement on the Constitutional Declaration and the initial signing between the Transitional Military Council and the forces for freedom and change in Sudan.

Students at Sudan's National University of El Ribat held prayers for the souls of martyrs at Al Hawa Hall on Sunday (RD)

On Sunday, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) welcomed the agreement on the Constitutional Declaration and the initial signing between the Transitional Military Council and the forces for freedom and change in Sudan.

The Saudi News Agency quoted a Saudi Foreign Ministry source as saying that the move was “a qualitative step that would move the brotherly state of Sudan towards security, peace and stability”.


The Egyptian Foreign Ministry said that this agreement is an important step on the right path towards achieving security and stability in the country.

In a statement, the Cairo government praised the steps taken by Sudan during the past period, foremost among which is reaching an agreement on the Constitutional Declaration document to form a civilian government with independent national technocrats.

The statement said that these steps show the return of Sudan to the constitutional track, which requires the need to lift the suspension of Sudan’s membership in the African Union.

United Arab Emirates

UAE Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash said on Sunday that Sudan has turned the page on the rule of Omar Al Bashir and the Muslim Brotherhood into a new era in its political history by turning to civilian rule.

He added on Twitter: The road to the state of institutions, stability, and prosperity will not be filled with roses, but our confidence in brotherly Sudan and its people”.

Gulf Cooperation Council

The Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Abdullatif Al Zayani, praised the signing of the Constitutional Declaration.

Al Zayani said that the signing of the declaration is an important historic step to establish the foundations of stability, security and peace, and complete the formation of the sovereign state authorities.

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