RSF soldier slain, officer wounded in South Darfur capital shoot-out

A soldier of the main government Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia was killed and an officer was wounded in a clash with gunmen that played-out on the streets of Nyala, capital of South Darfur on Tuesday afternoon.

RSF troops in South Darfur (File photo: RD)

A soldier of the main government Rapid Support Forces (RSF) militia was killed and an officer was wounded in a clash with gunmen that played-out on the streets of Nyala, capital of South Darfur on Tuesday afternoon.

Sources in Nyala said that gunmen in a Land Cruiser tried to storm a military headquarters and entered into a clash with the RSF militia that ended with the death of a soldier and wounding of Lieutenant Ahmad Jamil.

A government source in Nyala said the security forces arrested the perpetrators after violent pursuits through the streets of Nyala.

On Monday, gunmen stormed the military area of Nyala, seized 12 Land Cruisers and fled to an unknown destination after the state government delayed the compensation of their owners.

