RSF hijack guarded vehicles, rob livestock in North Darfur

Rapid Support Forces hijack guarded vehicles on the Tawila-El Fasher road, and rob livestock, in an area currently claimed as ‘military area’ by a commander of the forces.

On the road between El Fasher and Tawila in North Darfur, members of the Rapid Support Forces hijacked an army vehicle and robbed dozens of cattle on Tuesday morning.

A leader in the camps for displaced people in Tawila locality reported the incidents to Radio Dabanga. A Rapid Support Force (RSF) led by a colonel, named Gidou Mohamed Hamdan Ahmed, attacked a convoy of 20 commercial vehicles, omda Mukhtar Bosh said. The convoy was guarded by a group of Central Reserve Forces and Popular Defence Forces and was on its way from Tawila to El Fasher.

The militiamen, Bosh explained, hijacked the vehicles and managed to seize a number of weapons from the guards.

"And while the force was on its way to El Malam in South Darfur, they robbed about 50 herds of livestock from the areas of Gallab, Bowabat Sigilli, Tayara, Konjara, Um Arda and Kolge."

Hamdan Ahmed had told the displaced people in one of Tawila's camps that Tawila is a military area now and anyone present there will be a legitimate target for the paramilitary troops – including their money and livestock.

