Release of Sudanese human rights champion Mudawi delayed

Detained Sudanese human rights champion Dr Mudawi Ibrahim is still in detention, in spite of an order by the Attorney-General to release him on bail on Tuesday.

Detained Sudanese human rights champion Dr Mudawi Ibrahim is still in detention, in spite of an order by the Attorney-General to release him on bail on Tuesday.

Mudawi’s defence lawyer, Nabil Adeeb told Radio Dabanga that the order to release his client on bail was issued bu the Attorney-General on Tuesday. It was expected that Dr Mudawi and Hafiz Idris, who were detained at Khartoum University in December, would be released yesterday, once the bail formalities were finalised. However, at time of posting, both men were still in detention.

Adeeb criticised the delay as unacceptable. “The reason for the delay is for the authorities to determine the amount of the bail. He expressed surprise at this justification and explained that they are detained for suspicion and not under a judicial ruling.”

He expressed his suspicion that the National Intelligence and Security Service have a hand in the delay.

He referred to the legal argument that delayed justice is an unrealised justice, and called for speedy implementation of the decision of the Attorney General.

The family of the detainee Idris expressed deep concern that they were not allowed to visit him a week ago.

El Nur Ismail, a cousin of Idris, said the prosecution justified the refusal to allow them a visit because “the officer responsible for his case file was otherwise occupied”.

