Rebel SLM claims victory over govt. forces in Darfur’s Jebel Marra

The Sudan Liberation Movement, headed by Abdelwahid El Nur (SLM-AW) claims to have repelled an attack by government troops in western Jebel Marra on Saturday. 47 government troops were reportedly killed.
SLM-AW spokesman Shihabeldin Ahmed Hagar reported to Radio Dabanga that a force of army and allied militia troops in hundreds of vehicles and others on camels attacked the area of Berbera, Sawa, and Baga in western Jebel Marra at 7 am.

The Sudan Liberation Movement, headed by Abdelwahid El Nur (SLM-AW) claims to have repelled an attack by government troops in western Jebel Marra on Saturday. 47 government troops were reportedly killed.

SLM-AW spokesman Shihabeldin Ahmed Hagar reported to Radio Dabanga that a force of army and allied militia troops in hundreds of vehicles and others on camels attacked the area of Berbera, Sawa, and Baga in western Jebel Marra at 7 am.

“In the ensuing battle, we killed 47 government and allied militia troops. Many others were wounded. Our fighters also destroyed two vehicles, and seized large quantities of weapons and ammunition.”

One rebel fighter was killed, and three others were injured.

Hagar said that government troops in dozens of vehicles, and others on camels attacked the area of Boro, Keiti, and Jertaga in north-west Jebel Marra, this (Sunday) morning. “We stood up to the attack. The fighting is still going on,” he told this station at 5 pm.

The rebel spokesman added that the population of the areas fled to caves in the mountains. “The attackers also stole many of their possessions and livestock.”

