Random gunfire at Hamadiya threatens children, injures man

The displaced person Adam Musa Haron from block three of Hamadiya Camp received a gunshot injury on his back as a result of random shooting at the camp last Thursday evening. He was transferred by UNAMID to receive treatment in Zalingei Hospital. Meanwhile, a number of children survived when a few bullets fell near them.

The displaced person Adam Musa Haron from block three of Hamadiya Camp received a gunshot injury on his back as a result of random shooting at the camp last Thursday evening. He was transferred by UNAMID to receive treatment in Zalingei Hospital. Meanwhile, a number of children survived when a few bullets fell near them. The coordinator of Zalingei camps accused the government militias of opening fire in the direction of the camps to frighten the displaced people who have decided to fight against the establishment of a new state with Zalingei being its capital. He called the continual gunfire part of the policy of forcing displaced people to leave their camps. The coordinator claimed that the UNAMID envoy witnessed a shooting incident at the camp.

IDPs in Zalingei last week informed the United Nations-African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) that they plan to go out for peaceful protests in the People’s Square in the center of Zalingei to demand the downfall of the regime and a stop to the continuous killing which is happening in Darfur. The coordinator of camps told Radio Dabanga that the displaced people will send a memo to the UN Security Council regarding the necessity of bringing an end to the violations in Darfur and for the imposition of a no-fly zone and prohibition of weapon importations to Darfur. He also revealed that they have set a date for the protests after the completion of distribution of food rations in Al Salam Camp and Khamsa Dagaig Camp.

