Police to return to Darfur’s Um Baru after 13 years

After an absence of more than a decade, police have returned to Um Baru locality in North Darfur, a Member of Parliament announced on Monday.

After an absence of more than a decade, police have returned to Um Baru locality in North Darfur, a Member of Parliament announced on Monday.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga, MP Mohamed Ahmed Minawi Digeish of El Tina, Um Baru and Karnoi localities said that police have been absent in Um Baru for more than 13 years, when the conflict in Darfur erupted.

“We have been demanding the Interior Ministry to return police to the locality since 2014. Now our efforts have culminated in success.”

Minawi added that the ministry has provided one vehicle to the police, to be followed by three others within coming period.

“The return of police will result in stability and security for residents and reduce crime rates in the region. Um Baru locality will witness a demise of rebellion and rebels.”

Commissioner of Ambro locality Ali Ahmed El Tahir told Sudanese media that the return of the police to the locality after 13 years underscores that the situation in the area is stable.

A convoy of militiamen pillaged the headquarters of Doctors Without Borders in Um Baru in June.

Kutum town in North Darfur has also been in a state of lawlessness for nearly four years. Last month the Commissioner announced the arrival of police and judicial organs, however, residents reported that they operated without any mandates and were unable to protect themselves or the population against criminals.

