Police convoy attacked in South Darfur

A group of militant Misseriya tribesmen attacked a police convoy in Bielel locality in South Darfur on Saturday.
The convoy was on its way to the area south-east of Nyala, capital of South Darfur, to contain clashes between Misseriya and Abbala Rizeigat that erupted after Abbala herders drove their livestock onto Misseriya farms last Saturday. Nine Abbala and five Misseriya were killed, and 29 men from both sides were injured.

A group of militant Misseriya tribesmen attacked a police convoy in Bielel locality in South Darfur on Saturday.

The convoy was on its way to the area south-east of Nyala, capital of South Darfur, to contain clashes between Misseriya and Abbala Rizeigat that erupted after Abbala herders drove their livestock onto Misseriya farms last Saturday. Nine Abbala and five Misseriya were killed, and 29 men from both sides were injured.

The attackers stripped the police agents of their weapons and seized two vehicles, a villager reported to Radio Dabanga. He explained that the Misseriya farmers accuse the authorities of favouring the Abbala herders.

The witness warned of renewed fighting between the two parties “because the authorities failed to resolve the problem between the Abbala and the farmers”.

The Governor of South Darfur, Adam El Faki, admitted the attack on the police patrol. He said that the attackers seized the weapons from the policemen, as well as one vehicle. The vehicle and more than 14 weapons, including a Dushka machine gun, were retrieved later.

He added that they are awaiting the hand-over of the perpetrators, to bring them to trial.


