Peace talks Sudan and South Sudan adjourned until 5th July

The peace negotiations in Addis Ababa between Sudan and South Sudan have “today adjourned to enable the negotiators to consult with their principals, Presidents Salva Kiir Mayardit and Omar Al-Bashir”, the AU stated this morning (Thursday). The AU leading the negotiations observed a ‘positive attitude’ demonstrated by the two parties fighting over oil resources and border issues.

The peace negotiations in Addis Ababa between Sudan and South Sudan have “today adjourned to enable the negotiators to consult with their principals, Presidents Salva Kiir Mayardit and Omar Al-Bashir”, the AU stated this morning (Thursday). The AU leading the negotiations observed a ‘positive attitude’ demonstrated by the two parties fighting over oil resources and border issues.

The peace negotiations in Addis Ababa between Sudan and South Sudan have “today adjourned to enable the negotiators to consult with their principals, Presidents Salva Kiir Mayardit and Omar Al-Bashir”, the AU stated this morning (Thursday). The AU leading the negotiations observed a ‘positive attitude’ demonstrated by the two parties fighting over oil resources and border issues.

The negotiators will resume their talks in Addis Ababa next week on July 5. According to the chairperson of the African Union High Implementation Panel, Thabo Mbeki, the parties agreed to implement the immediate security provisions of the AU Peace and Security Roadmap. The two Parties have agreed to activate the Joint Border Verification and Monitoring Mission during the coming days. In the past months both countries have accused each other for violent attacks across the borders.

Former South African President, Thabo Mbeki, praised both countries for the positive attitude they demonstrated during the negotiations. He said: “The parties have demonstrated great maturity and seriousness in their approach to the negotiations, mindful of the timeframes contained in the Roadmap and UN-security council resolution 2046. This can only be good for the citizens of South Sudan and Sudan.”

Yesterday (Wednesday) The negotiators of Sudan already announced their return to Khartoum on Thursday for further consultations, the spokesman of the delegation Idriss Mohamed Abdelgadir announced tonight (Wednesday).. Idris Mohamed Abdelgadir said that his delegation is going back for consultations with the presidency in Khartoum. The negotiations are brokered by the African Union, but its spokesman said it would only provide comments until today (Thursday). The negotiations are led by the High Implementation Panel and are backed by the UN Security Council. Peace talks between Sudan and South Sudan are about Sudan’s withdrawal from the disputed Abyei region. the alleged support by South Sudan for rebels in Sudan (Nuba Mountains and Southern Blue Nile), monitoring of a ceasefire agreement and resolution of the main dispute about the fee for transportation of oil from South Sudan through Sudan.

