Outrage at murders in El Fasher, North Darfur

Militant herders shot dead a farmer in the area of Jedid El Seil, north of El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, on Sunday. The next day, seven farmers were killed, and five others wounded by militant herders in the same area. People in El Fasher went to the streets in protest against the killings.
An eyewitness told Radio Dabanga that the farmer was shot dead in Jedid El Seil, when he refused to hand his crops to gunmen.
He also reported that on Monday afternoon, a farmer, his two wives, and his sons were taking a rest after harvesting their crop in Yadkun El Eish on Monday afternoon, when armed herders released their camels on their farmland, spoiling the remaining crop.

Militant herders shot dead a farmer in the area of Jedid El Seil, north of El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, on Sunday. The next day, seven farmers were killed, and five others wounded by militant herders in the same area. People in El Fasher went to the streets in protest against the killings.

An eyewitness told Radio Dabanga that the farmer was shot dead in Jedid El Seil, when he refused to hand his crops to gunmen.

He also reported that on Monday afternoon, a farmer, his two wives, and his sons were taking a rest after harvesting their crop in Yadkun El Eish on Monday afternoon, when armed herders released their camels on their farmland, spoiling the remaining crop.

“The herders then approached the family demanding the harvest. The farmer and his sons refused, whereupon the gunmen fired at them, killing seven instantly, and injuring five more.”

The injured were transferred to a hospital in El Fasher, where the news about the killing shocked the people. A large number took to the streets in protest, a listener told Radio Dabanga from the city.

“A procession of about 40 vehicles followed the cars transporting the bodies. They passed the market place, the Unamid base, and the residence of North Darfur state Governor Osman Kibir, before they reached the cemetery.”

The governor strongly condemned the “ugly and barbaric killing” in a press conference today (Tuesday), and said that three men accused of the attack had been arrested. He stressed that “necessary measures will be taken to restore security in the area”.

