One dead, three injured in North Darfur robberies

Three people were injured on Saturday evening when militiamen opened fire in a house in Kabkabiya in North Darfur. A driver was killed in a robbery in Melit locality

Three people were injured on Saturday evening when militiamen opened fire in a house in Kabkabiya in North Darfur. A driver was killed in a robbery in Mellit locality.

The Coordinator of Kabkabiya camps told Radio Dabanga on Sunday that two militia members, one of them in military uniform, broke into the home of Mousa Mohammed Haroun in the El Shuhada district near Kabkabiya hospital.

“They tried to rob him of his belongings at gunpoint. When he tried to resist, they shot him on the chest and wounded his wife in one of her hands. Haroun’s neighbour, Mohammed Hussein, tried to rescue them and was shot in one of his legs.”

Callers said that residents managed to apprehend one of the perpetrators and hand him over to the police.


In a separate incident in Mellit locality on Saturday evening militiamen shot and killed Hisham Mohamed Mohammadain, the driver of a vehicle carrying passengers.

Witnesses told this station that driving a Land Cruiser intercepted the vehicle the road from El Fasher to Mellit. When the driver refused to relinquish his money and the vehicle’s keys they opened fire and shot him dead. The militiamen robbed the passengers of thier luggage and mobile phones at gunpoint.

The incident coincided with a visit of the deputy Governor of North Darfur, Adam El Nahla to the town of Mellit. He reportedly said that as the incident occurred in the jurisdiction of Mellit locality, it should be reported to the police there.

On Saturday, a group of police, Sudanese Armed Forces and the Popular Defence Forces managed, for the first time, to recover a Hilux vehicle which had been hijacked by a group of Abbala herders at Tina village, 7 kilometres west of Tawila. An activist from Tawila told Radio Dabanga that the police also managed to arrest one of the perpetrators and moved him to El Fasher.

He said that the citizens of Tawila welcomed and praised the police initiative.

