Nuland condemns disproportionate use of violence to quell demonstrations Sudan

Victoria Nuland, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, condemns the numerous arrests and detentions that have taken place over the past week in Sudan in response to peaceful demonstrations. In a press release she calls for “the immediate release of those detained for peaceful protest”.

Victoria Nuland, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, condemns the numerous arrests and detentions that have taken place over the past week in Sudan in response to peaceful demonstrations. In a press release she calls for “the immediate release of those detained for peaceful protest”.

Victoria Nuland, spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State, condemns the numerous arrests and detentions that have taken place over the past week in Sudan in response to peaceful demonstrations. In a press release she calls for “the immediate release of those detained for peaceful protest”.

She continued by stating that “The heavy-handed approach adopted by Sudanese security forces is disproportionate and deeply concerning. Sudan’s economic crisis cannot be solved by arresting and mistreating protesters. Engaging in armed conflict in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile and failing to reach agreement with South Sudan on oil, trade and other means of economic cooperation only deepen Sudan’s economic crisis.”

Dean Smith visit Darfur

Dean Smith, the United States Senior Advisor for Darfur and head of the U.S. special envoy to Sudan, visited the IDP camp of Zam Zam on Sunday. He met with camp leaders and discussed the deteriorating humanitarian situation in the camps and the Doha Peace Document.

The Umdas and Sheikhs of the camp told Radio Dabanga expressed their extreme disappointment at the failure of the special envoy to visit the IDP camps in Zalingei and Nertete during his visit to the Central Darfur State on Tuesday.


