Novels confiscated at Khartoum International Book Fair

Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ novel Love in the Time of Cholera has been removed from the current Khartoum International Book Fair, and several Arabic novels have been banned from circulation by the Sudanese security apparatus.

Colombian author Gabriel Garcia Marquez’ novel Love in the Time of Cholera has been removed from the current Khartoum International Book Fair, and several Arabic novels have been banned from circulation by the Sudanese security apparatus.

The circulation, display and sale of the novel, which was made into a movie in 2007, have been banned in the 12th session of the book fair. Abdallah El Assad’s Arabic novel Holy chains has been confiscated, along with a ban on its circulation, display and sale.

Author Abdel Aziz Barak said that the security authorities have confiscated three of his novels and four collections of short stories without providing him with a justification or reason for the confiscation.

Hundreds of local and foreign publishing houses participate in the annual fair. During last year's international book fair in Khartoum, literary publications were confiscated and six pieces by the Arag Masriya publishing house were banned from distribution. No reasons for the actions were given at the time.

For the first time since its independence in 2011, South Sudan is participating in the Khartoum International Book Fair, which kicked-off on 17 October and will run until 29 October.

