North Kordofan medics call vigil for change

The Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) in North Kordofan announced that a vigil will be held today in front of the El Obeid Teaching Hospital against the deterioration of health care and administration in the state, “with no solution in sight”.

El Obeid hospital in North Kordofan (File photo)

The Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) in North Kordofan announced that a vigil will be held today in front of the El Obeid Teaching Hospital against the deterioration of health care and administration in the state, “with no solution in sight”.

Dr Nazifa Awadallah, head of the El Obeid Hospital doctors committee, told Radio Dabanga that the vigil includes all medics and health workers in the state.

She explained that the vigil is part of a protest campaign announced by the FFC following meetings and consultations between the North Kordofan Doctors’ Office and medical staff on Tuesday on the current medical and financial challenges.

PM Abdallah Hamdok said in August that Sudan needs $8 billion in foreign aid over the next two years to cover imports and help rebuild the economy.

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