North Darfur violence: Wali promises victims action, aid

The Wali (Governor) of North Darfur has promised action by an independent security force, as well as humanitarian aid to those displaced, after victims of violence in the Tarny Administrative Unit in Tawila locality in North Darfur organised a protest vigil in front of the North Darfur government secretariat buildings in El Fasher on Monday. They raised banners calling for security, arrest of perpetrators and protection of the agricultural season. They condemned the widespread attacks, killings, rape, theft, and the destruction of farms that have left tens of thousands displaced.

Victims of violence in the Tarny Administrative Unit in Tawila locality organised a protest vigil in front of the North Darfur government secretariat buildings in El Fasher on Monday (Picture: Social media)

The Wali (Governor) of North Darfur has promised action by an independent security force, as well as humanitarian aid to those displaced, after victims of violence in the Tarny Administrative Unit in Tawila locality organised a protest vigil in front of the North Darfur government secretariat buildings in El Fasher on Monday. They raised banners calling for security, arrest of perpetrators and protection of the agricultural season. They condemned the widespread attacks, killings, rape, theft, and the destruction of farms that have left tens of thousands displaced.

The participants in the vigil included members of the Resistance Committees in El Fasher and the Zamzam camp for the displaced. In a memorandum submitted to the governor of North Darfur, they blamed the fact-finding committee headed by Sovereignty Council member Mohamed El Taayshi did not take measures to resolve the militants, noting that they were spread throughout the region in full view of the committee.

Mohyieldin Ishag, representative of the Resistance Committees of Tarny explained during the presentation of the memorandum that the committee's shortcomings have exacerbated the situation and increased violations, robbery, rape, and assault on farms.

The memorandum reported the occurrence of a series of brutal attacks on farmers and villages since the beginning of September, in addition to the complete destruction of farms, which led to the failure of the season and the renewed displacement of villagers.

The protestors accuse the government of failing to protect farmers. It held Regional Governor Minni Minawi, North Darfur Governor Nimir Abdelrahman, the Sovereignty Council and the Council of Ministers responsible for their failure, and to protect the public. They called on Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok to visit the region and see the situation.

The protestors demand that the perpetrators of the attacks must be arrested and bought tto justice immediately. They demand an inventory of damages and the development of a compensation plan for those affected since the beginning of August, in addition to the urgent deployment of neutral regular forces such as the army and the police with the necessary authorisation to protect people. They also demand that herders adhere to the tracks, and not release livestock on farms.

For his part, the Wali of North Darfur, Nimir Abdelrahman, described the unfortunate events that took place in Tawila locality villages, pointing out that the memorandum did not include all the events. During his address to the protestors, he declared his commitment to providing security. “We formed a force and moved and we are still moving this force, and we made a great effort in the Tarny unit”, and he noted the sending of humanitarian aid.

He also pledged to mobilise a force under his command in the presence of the security committee to find out the situation in the areas to remedy the agricultural season and save what can be salvaged. He called representatives of the Resistance Committees in El Fasher to accompany him, and also pledged to stop the road blocks set up by the gunmen, and the motorcycles and unlicensed vehicles. He asked relief organisations to provide aid to the displaced and that he would visit them. He also called on those affected to cooperate with the police and expedite the opening of complaints to arrest the perpetrators.

He stressed the need to present initiatives for social reconciliation, peaceful coexistence, and acceptance of the other. He called on the inhabitants of the affected areas to exercise restraint and not to take the  law into their own hands.

The area where the attacks have occured (Map: OCHA)


