North Darfur medics strike at El Fasher hospitals

Doctors working at the hospitals of El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, embarked on a strike on Sunday, because of repeated assaults by relatives of patients.
After the latest attack on a doctor, on Saturday, the specialists, general practitioners, and doctors in training at El Fasher Teaching Hospital and the Saudi Hospital, immediately formed a committee.
The members decided to engage in an open-ended strike, in protest against the failure of the North Darfur state Security Committee to provide adequate protection, and the dire working conditions, a doctor told Radio Dabanga. “The hospitals’ emergency sections will remain open.”

Doctors working at the hospitals of El Fasher, capital of North Darfur, embarked on a strike on Sunday, because of repeated assaults by relatives of patients.

After the latest attack on a doctor, on Saturday, the specialists, general practitioners, and doctors in training at El Fasher Teaching Hospital and the Saudi Hospital, immediately formed a committee.

The members decided to engage in an open-ended strike, in protest against the failure of the North Darfur state Security Committee to provide adequate protection, and the dire working conditions, a doctor told Radio Dabanga. “The hospitals’ emergency sections will remain open.”

He explained that the medics raised a memorandum to the state’s health authorities about the continuing assaulting of doctors. The memo, signed by more than 177 doctors, described the working environment as “inhospitable”, and “not suited at all to practise our vocation”. 

