North Darfur medics strike against militia assault in hospital

Medical staff in the Kabkabiya hospital embarkon a strike to protest a militia assault on Tuesday. Patients fled the scene in fear that night.

Medical staff in the civilian hospital of Kabkabiya in North Darfur have laid down their work for four days now, to protest an assault by militia members against their colleagues on Tuesday night. Patients fled the scene in fear.

A source in the hospital informed Radio Dabanga that members of a pro-government militia entered the hospital on Tuesday evening, and asked the medical staff on the night shift to accompany them to Khor C neighbourhood, south of the hospital. They wanted the staff to come to treat one of their comrades who had gotten ill.

“The attending staff told the militiamen that the law does not allow them to give treatment outside of the hospital,” the source said. They asked the militiamen to bring their comrade instead. Subsequently, “they were beaten with rifle butts, punched, and kicked”. The staff, about five workers that night, sustained various injuries.

During the assault, patients fled the hospital in fear.

“Therefore the medical staff has decided to not carry out their work before an end is made to the violations by militiamen.”

In December last year, the staff of El Fasher Teaching Hospital embarked on a strike because of repeated assaults by relatives of patients. 

Related articles:

North Darfur medics threaten strike after colleague attacked (20 November 2014)

South Darfur doctors strike against repeated attacks (31 October 2014)

