North Darfur displaced flee to Ed Daein

The latest UN Humanitarian Office (OCHA) bulletin confirms that a total of 196,620 people have been displaced by increased violence across Darfur since early 2014, and that most have taken refuge at UN team sites or camps for the displaced. Following the attacks by Darfur joint rebel forces on El Taweisha and Ailliet localities in North Darfur, reportedly 15,000 people have fled to Ghubaysh in West Kordofan since the first week of March. OCHA now reports that an estimated 2,300 people have also fled their homes in El Taweisha locality, but took refuge in El Neem camp for the displaced in Ed Daein locality, East Darfur. According to findings of an inter-agency mission on 19 March, the displaced in El Neem camp are in urgent need of emergency shelter and household items. “Our village was partially burnt down, and all of the 5,000 inhabitants fled to either El Neem or to other locations north of the village”, newly displaced people said upon their arrival at the camp. Limited space has forced the newly displaced to seek shelter with relatives who are already living in the camp. The two health centres in the camp have an inconsistent supply of medicine due to insecurity along the Nyala-Ed Daein road, according to an employee of the Ministry of Health. The ten primary schools are currently at full capacity. In North Darfur, an estimated 1,000 people have taken refuge at the Korma team site of the AU-UN Mission in Darfur (Unamid) following an attack by armed men on Kobe town, 21 km north of the base, on 21 March. One civilian was killed as houses were looted and burnt down. Unamid has deployed additional peacekeepers to enhance the protection of the estimated 1,000 displaced persons gathered at the Korma base. File photo: Woman and child in El Neem camp, Ed Daein (Unamid) Related: Unamid protects displaced following Darfur violence (24 March 2014)OCHA: ‘55,000 newly displaced in North Darfur’s Saraf Omra’ (18 March 2014) 27,000 displaced by rebel attacks in North Darfur (11 March 2014)

The latest UN Humanitarian Office (OCHA) bulletin confirms that a total of 196,620 people have been displaced by increased violence across Darfur since early 2014, and that most have taken refuge at UN team sites or camps for the displaced.

Following the attacks by Darfur joint rebel forces on El Taweisha and Ailliet localities in North Darfur, reportedly 15,000 people have fled to Ghubaysh in West Kordofan since the first week of March. OCHA now reports that an estimated 2,300 people have also fled their homes in El Taweisha locality, but took refuge in El Neem camp for the displaced in Ed Daein locality, East Darfur.

According to findings of an inter-agency mission on 19 March, the displaced in El Neem camp are in urgent need of emergency shelter and household items. “Our village was partially burnt down, and all of the 5,000 inhabitants fled to either El Neem or to other locations north of the village”, newly displaced people said upon their arrival at the camp. Limited space has forced the newly displaced to seek shelter with relatives who are already living in the camp. The two health centres in the camp have an inconsistent supply of medicine due to insecurity along the Nyala-Ed Daein road, according to an employee of the Ministry of Health. The ten primary schools are currently at full capacity.

In North Darfur, an estimated 1,000 people have taken refuge at the Korma team site of the AU-UN Mission in Darfur (Unamid) following an attack by armed men on Kobe town, 21 km north of the base, on 21 March. One civilian was killed as houses were looted and burnt down. Unamid has deployed additional peacekeepers to enhance the protection of the estimated 1,000 displaced persons gathered at the Korma base.

File photo: Woman and child in El Neem camp, Ed Daein (Unamid)


Unamid protects displaced following Darfur violence (24 March 2014)

OCHA: ‘55,000 newly displaced in North Darfur’s Saraf Omra’ (18 March 2014)

27,000 displaced by rebel attacks in North Darfur (11 March 2014)

