New committee planned to trace Sudan missing

Families of the persons who went missing during the uprising that started mid-December last year, demand an independent commission of inquiry, and the formation of an inspection committee to search for the missing in prisons, and detention camps and centres throughout the country. The Sovereign Council supports this initiative, Council members Mohamed El Faki and Mohamed El Taayshi said.

Protesters in Khartoum yesterday demanding an indpendent judiciary and disclosure of the fate of the protesters missing (Social media)

Families of the persons who went missing during the uprising that started mid-December last year, demand an independent commission of inquiry, and the formation of an inspection committee to search for the missing in prisons, and detention camps and centres throughout the country. The Sovereign Council supports this initiative, Council members Mohamed El Faki and Mohamed El Taayshi said.

Spokesperson for the Initiative for Missing People Fadia Khalaf said at a press conference on Wednesday evening that 22 people are still missing. Ten of them disappeared during the violent dispersal of the Khartoum sit-in on June 3.

She pointed out that 45 others have been found in morgues, hospitals, and detention centres. Some were found in poor mental health conditions after being tortured.

The Initiative for Missing People was set up by the Sudanese Professionals Association. It reached out to families of the missing persons and searched with them on the ground and on social media. It also prepared publications with pictures of and information about the missing persons and distributed them on markets and in shops.

Commission of inquiry

A group of lawyers submitted a request to the Attorney General to form a commission of inquiry comprising of judges, prosecutors, lawyers and independent experts to investigate the fate of the missing.

Sovereign Council member Mohamed El Taayshi said that most of the missing were subjected to a systematic enforced disappearance “because of their role in the December Revolution”.

He said that the new interim government should play a key role in the investigation into the fate of the missing, the circumstances of their disappearance and what they have been exposed to during their disappearance.


The police commented that they did not receive official reports about the missing at the sit-in. Police spokesperson Brig-Gen Dr Omar Abdelmajid said in a press statement that the numbers of missing protesters and activists need to be thoroughly investigated in proper legal procedures. He accused parties of seeking political gain by exploiting the fate of others.

He also pointed to precautionary measures taken by the police to prevent groups from destabilising security in Sudan by launching rumours about outlaw operations.


A number of marches, vigils and professional strikes took place in Khartoum and the states on Thursday.

District committees in Khartoum organised a march to the headquarters of the judiciary to demand an independent judiciary and an investigation into the cases of the persons killed and gone missing.

The march moved from El Gorashi Park to the judiciary offices. Slogans were shouted, calling for an independent judiciary, and disclosure of the fate of the missing. The demonstrators raised banners calling for a transparent investigation.

Residents of El Kalakla in southern Khartoum organised a march and a vigil in protest against the sale of the western part of El Kalakla El Gatiya School for Girls.

On Thursday, health workers in El Gedaref went on strike and staged a protest against the National Health Insurance Administration in the state. The administration had filed reports against young workers for corruption. The protesters pointed out that the real corruption can be found at the top of the administration of the National Health Insurance.


Protesters in Khartoum yesterday demanding an indpendent judiciary and disclosure of the fate of the protesters missing (Social media)


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