New Cabinet is a failure says National Umma Party

The National Umma Party (NUP) headed by El Saddig El Mahdi, described the newly formed cabinet as a failure to achieve national unity and balance, because of a lack of representation of all active political parties and armed groups. The NUP had been in talks with the National Congress Party (NCP) but failed to reach an agreement in power sharing, as they felt the NCP were not serious in their dealings. According to the NUP, following the secession of the South and ousting of the Northern branch of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement the government has become more narrowly focussed. The new cabinet has been formed with the NCP keeping two-thirds of their seats and half of the total ministries in parliament. The son of the leader of the NUP was appointed as a presidential aide to Omar Al Bashir in the new cabinet. However the NUP have issued a statement clarifying the appointment of Abdel Rahman Al Mahdi to be an independent one, sharing no affiliations with the NUP. The statement of the NUP added that there was nothing new about the new cabinet and that chances were not even given to other members of the ruling party to take over posts.

The National Umma Party (NUP) headed by El Saddig El Mahdi, described the newly formed cabinet as a failure to achieve national unity and balance, because of a lack of representation of all active political parties and armed groups.

The NUP had been in talks with the National Congress Party (NCP) but failed to reach an agreement in power sharing, as they felt the NCP were not serious in their dealings.

According to the NUP, following the secession of the South and ousting of the Northern branch of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement the government has become more narrowly focussed. The new cabinet has been formed with the NCP keeping two-thirds of their seats and half of the total ministries in parliament.

The son of the leader of the NUP was appointed as a presidential aide to Omar Al Bashir in the new cabinet. However the NUP have issued a statement clarifying the appointment of Abdel Rahman Al Mahdi to be an independent one, sharing no affiliations with the NUP.

The statement of the NUP added that there was nothing new about the new cabinet and that chances were not even given to other members of the ruling party to take over posts.

