Neem camp suffering from food, medicine shortages

Displaced families at Neem camp in East Darfur are suffering from a lack of services including health care, food and education. An activist from the camp told Radio Dabanga that the World Food Programme reduced food rations by 50 percent last year. He added that there are only two health centres to cater to 102,000 people. This along with a lack of medicine is causing an increasing difficult situation for the camp residents. The activist also said the schools at the camp are currently built from weak materials such as straw, noting that pupils are forced to sit on the floor for a lack of chairs. He appealed to humanitarian organisations and authorities to speed up resolving the food crisis along with the health care and schooling problems.

Displaced families at Neem camp in East Darfur are suffering from a lack of services including health care, food and education.

An activist from the camp told Radio Dabanga that the World Food Programme reduced food rations by 50 percent last year.

He added that there are only two health centres to cater to 102,000 people.

This along with a lack of medicine is causing an increasing difficult situation for the camp residents.

The activist also said the schools at the camp are currently built from weak materials such as straw, noting that pupils are forced to sit on the floor for a lack of chairs.

He appealed to humanitarian organisations and authorities to speed up resolving the food crisis along with the health care and schooling problems.


He also demanded that local authorities provide security in the areas people are displaced from during the rainy season so they can cultivate their land.

