Militiamen shoot displaced man, fire breaks out in South Darfur camps

Militiamen shot and seriously injured a displaced man of camp El Tom Kitir in Mershing locality, South Darfur, on Thursday. One of the sheikhs of the camp told Radio Dabanga that three pro-government militia members opened fire on Abdel Nasir Ishag when he confronted an attacker who tried to raid a house in El Tom Kitir at 2am. “The gunmen wounded Abdel Nasir in the chest and both legs. He was transferred to Nyala hospital in dangerous condition”, the sheikh told. He added that the incident was reported to the police, which “did not move to prosecute the offenders”. It was also reported to the Unamid base, located about 7km from the camp. Cooking fire burns camp houses Meanwhile in Nyala, a fire broke out on Wednesday at El Salam camp and destroyed 16 houses and several farm animals. A witness told Radio Dabanga that the fire broke out in the afternoon at Centre 5. The entire contents of 16 houses were burned, along with at least five donkeys, horses and a number of hens. The witness said that kids had attempted to cook food and caused the fire. File photo: Camp for internally displaced people near Nyala (Wikimedia Commons)

Militiamen shot and seriously injured a displaced man of camp El Tom Kitir in Mershing locality, South Darfur, on Thursday.

One of the sheikhs of the camp told Radio Dabanga that three pro-government militia members opened fire on Abdel Nasir Ishag when he confronted an attacker who tried to raid a house in El Tom Kitir at 2am.

“The gunmen wounded Abdel Nasir in the chest and both legs. He was transferred to Nyala hospital in dangerous condition”, the sheikh told.

He added that the incident was reported to the police, which “did not move to prosecute the offenders”. It was also reported to the Unamid base, located about 7km from the camp.

Cooking fire burns camp houses

Meanwhile in Nyala, a fire broke out on Wednesday at El Salam camp and destroyed 16 houses and several farm animals.

A witness told Radio Dabanga that the fire broke out in the afternoon at Centre 5. The entire contents of 16 houses were burned, along with at least five donkeys, horses and a number of hens.

The witness said that kids had attempted to cook food and caused the fire.

File photo: Camp for internally displaced people near Nyala (Wikimedia Commons)

