Militiamen assault and rob displaced men in North Darfur

Pro-government militiamen shoot and seriously wound a displaced man in Tawila locality, along with robbing eighteen sheep in another violent incident.

Pro-government militiamen shot and seriously wounded a displaced man in Tawila locality, North Darfur, along with robbing eighteen sheep in another incident.

Omda Mukthar Bosh told Radio Dabanga that the militiamen opened fire on Eldin Ismail Osman of Rwanda camp, while he was returning from Shamshako. He sustained wounds in the chest and leg. The attackers robbed SDG6,000 ($994) from him, the omda claimed.

Bosh said that the victim was transferred in critical condition to El Fasher for treatment.

He added that in another incident, other militiamen attacked Mustafa Mursal Khamis and robbed eighteen sheep from him at gunpoint.

