Militia kill three at wedding party

Three people were killed on Monday in Gorneya village near Nertiti in Central Darfur when militants opened fire at a wedding party. Witnesses said three pro-government militants attended a wedding party in the village when a disagreement broke out and one of them shot randomly into the crowd. Ahmed Yusef Muhammed, 24, Mutassim Bakhit, 17 and Adam Atim Rahmah were killed. Yusef Muhammed Adam, 15 is said to be in a serious condition in hospital. Witnesses said the gunmen fled the scene to an unknown destination.

Three people were killed on Monday in Gorneya village near Nertiti in Central Darfur when militants opened fire at a wedding party.

Witnesses said three pro-government militants attended a wedding party in the village when a disagreement broke out and one of them shot randomly into the crowd.

Ahmed Yusef Muhammed, 24, Mutassim Bakhit, 17 and Adam Atim Rahmah were killed.

Yusef Muhammed Adam, 15 is said to be in a serious condition in hospital.

Witnesses said the gunmen fled the scene to an unknown destination.


