Mia Farrow encourages Darfur on Radio Dabanga

The US actress Mia Farrow has entered into her 9th day hunger strike for Darfur. She told in a special interview with Radio Dabanga that if she had magic  power she would unite the Darfur movements under one command to remove president Omar Al Bashir from power. In a lengthy interviewed she told the audience of Radio Dabanga in Darfur that president Bashir belongs in jail.

The US actress Mia Farrow has entered into her 9th day hunger strike for Darfur. She told in a special interview with Radio Dabanga that if she had magic  power she would unite the Darfur movements under one command to remove president Omar Al Bashir from power. In a lengthy interviewed she told the audience of Radio Dabanga in Darfur that president Bashir belongs in jail. 

“I am fasting in solidarity with you and with the hope that we can put the focus on the Darfur tragedy and bring back the 16 expelled aid agencies before more than a million people begin to die. And even if those expelled agencies were returned, we all know that the status quo in the Darfur region was not acceptable. And so I’m really hoping […] that moderate voices would be heard in Darfur, that rebel groups would unite and a leader would come forward and oust, remove from office Omar al-Bashir. He belongs with the ICC and in jail.”…“So much of your treasures lie in the memories of your elderly people and I want to set up my camera and the camera will just be for you a message to bring whatever you want. And I give you my word; it will one day be in museums in Darfur for your children and your children’s children. […] I just recorded beautiful, wonderful, priceless stories of a time long past.”…“I have not met people who are more generous, more intelligence, funnier, really ready to laugh and more courageous and better parents. I think the Sudanese people are just the most wonderful people I know. And then to see them in 2004 in this situation in Darfur, I was outraged. I was just an actress and a mother and I had no idea what I would be able to do, but I knew that it would require my up most to do everything possible.”…“Of course I would love to see a unification of the rebel groups and strong leadership to come forward. It has not helped that Khartoum has been executing JEM and some of those executed are not even guilty. So, the fact that they don’t go that particular piece talk is another issue and I think one should ask them about that.”…“I am very proud and happy that we have president Obama. That said, I am dismayed that it has taken him so long even to appoint an envoy to Sudan, Scott Gration. He said, when he was in Sudan: ‘I’m here to listen and learn’. I don’t want to hear that from our envoy. I would like our envoy to have already learned before he goes into the field. But I’m still hopeful.”…“Obama did make campaign promises and we are facing, as you well know, an extremely hard situation with the aid agencies expelled. This is again one reason why the JEM does not want to participate in any agreement in Doha while these 16 key aid organizations are exiled from the Darfur region.

