Chad will send witnesses and evidence to ICC

The government of Chad officially announced having a list of witnesses ready to testify at the International

The government of Chad officially announced having a list of witnesses ready to testify at the International

The government of Chad officially announced having a list of witnesses ready to testify at the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The witnesses will support the charges against several suspects, including the Sudanese president Omar al Bashir.Chad claims also to possess evidence and documents to be submitted to the International Criminal Court. That says the Chadian Minister of Information, Mohamed Hussein, to Radio Dabanga. Being the official spokesman of the Chadian government he added that his country has decided to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court over the issue of Darfur ‘because we face constantly Sudanese attacks against our people and the Sudanese  refugees in Chad’. Earlier, the Chadian president Idris Deby said that his country is willing to cooperate with the International Criminal Court over Darfur.

