Marauding gunmen wreaking havoc in North Darfur

A group of gunmen riding camels and motorcycles is reportedly wreaking havoc in the area of Tabit in North Darfur, with other incidents of banditry and violence being reported daily across the state.
On Friday, gunmen kidnapped Um El Nour Mahjoub, from Um Gaigo area, north of Tabit, in North Darfur. After intercepting a group of farmers, they singled out Mahjoub and took her to an unknown location.

Gunmen mounted oin camels in Darfur (File photo: RD)

A group of gunmen riding camels and motorcycles is reportedly wreaking havoc in the area of Tabit in North Darfur, with other incidents of banditry and violence being reported daily across the state.

On Friday, gunmen kidnapped Um El Nour Mahjoub, from Um Gaigo area, north of Tabit, in North Darfur. After intercepting a group of farmers, they singled out Mahjoub and took her to an unknown location.

In another incident on Friday, the gunmen severely beat 12 tractor drivers in Wadi Gingo, north of Tabit. The gunmen reportedly gathered the tractor drivers, who work on agricultural projects, in one place, handcuffed them, and severely beat them with rifle butts. This led to the injury of some of them with fractures and lacerations to the head. The attackers then stole their money, mobile phones, and tractor batteries.

In El Sereif Beni Hussein in North Darfur, bakery workers Amir Abdallah and Abdelmajeed Ishag were wounded by armed men on motorcycles. On Thursday evening, the group attacked the bakery. Worker Abdallah was stabbed with a knife and Ishag sustained a bullet wound . They were transferred to the Kabkabiya Hospital.

A resident of the area told Radio Dabanga that a group of armed men riding 15 motorcycles attacked the Jebel Amer gold mines on Thursday morning and stole money and mobile phones from the miners at gunpoint.

The source pointed to the deterioration of the security situation in the Jebel Amer mines and the continuation of armed robberies on a continuous basis in broad daylight. He called on the North Darfur government to take urgent action to secure the mines.

West Kordofan

Two people were killed and another injured in two separate incidents in Lagawa, West Kordofan, during the past few days. The events led to tension in the town.

Radio Dabanga sources reported that unknown persons killed farmer Ibrahim Nasir inside his farm on Tuesday and fled to an unknown destination.

Armed men gathered in front of the hospital and near the town market on Saturday. Members of Resistance Committees active in the neighbourhoods of Lagawa hold the local security committee fully responsible for the events.

They accuse the Lagawa Security Committee of failing to implement a plan to comb the main streets and neighbourhoods at night until the early hours of the morning. The Security Committee also withdrew the forces stationed at Freedom Square in the town, which allowed the unruly people to roam freely and carry out their crimes, and noted that the Security Committee did not deal firmly with the criminals.

The Resistance Committees called on the security services to do their part and arrest the perpetrators of the crime and bring them to justice.

