Man killed, wife gang-raped in Darfur’s East Jebel Marra

A Darfur man was shot dead on Thursday as he tried to protect his wife from three Sudanese soldiers who raped her in front of him.

A Darfur man was shot dead on Thursday as he tried to protect his wife from three Sudanese soldiers who raped her in front of him.

A witness told Radio Dabanga Abdelnabi Eisa and his wife were on their way to the market in the village of Fanga in East Jebel Marra. Three soldiers accosted them as they passed within a kilometre of the region’s military base.

“The soldiers held the couple at gunpoint, and proceeded to rape the woman in front of her husband. When Eisa tried to protect his wife, one of the soldiers fired three shots into his chest and he died instantly.

“The gunmen then continued to rape the woman alternately, and only released her late on Thursday afternoon,” the witness concluded.

