Khartoum activists acquitted but not released

The Central Khartoum Criminal Court yesterday acquitted nine young activists of killing a member of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) during the violent dispersal of the sit-in in front of the army command on June 3 last year.

A vigil in september 2019 against the detention of activists arrested during the break-up of the sit-in on June 3 (Social media)

The Central Khartoum Criminal Court yesterday acquitted nine young activists of killing a member of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) during the violent dispersal of the sit-in in front of the army command on June 3 last year.

The activists come from the Burri El Lamab neighbourhood in Khartoum. They have have been detained the past 15 months. Demonstrations were held to demand their release.

Judge Muatasim El Mustafa acquitted the nine defendants, including two minors, of the charges against them. Hundreds of people in front of the court celebrated the verdict and raised chants.

The nine young men have not been released, but were taken to the Central Khartoum Police station, for other charges filed by the RSF under Article 139 of the Sudanese Criminal Code of “grievous bodily harm” of another RSF militiaman. The prosecution rejected bail.

The Resistance Committees of Burri El Lamab said that RSF militiamen threatened to kill the young men when the verdict was read in court yesterday. RSF militiamen also insulted the judge.

The Resistance Committees reported that the nine detainees have been subjected to abuse and mistreatment in the past 15 months.

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