Khartoum vigil to demand release of activists

Activists staged a protest in front of El Awsat Criminal Court in Khartoum during the trial of nine youths of Burri El Lamab district (Khartoum) yesterday, who were arrested after the violent break-up of the sit-in in front of the army command on June 3.

A vigil in Khartoum against the detention of activists arrested during the violent break-up of the sit-in on June 3 (Social media)

Activists staged a protest in front of Central Khartoum Criminal Court during the trial of nine youths of Burri El Lamab district (Khartoum) yesterday, who were detained after the violent break-up of the sit-in in front of the army command on June 3.

The Resistance Committees of Burri El Lamab said in a statement that two of the detainees are minors. It accused government forces of extracting confessions from some of the detainees under torture.


Students of the University of Medical Sciences and Technology carried out a vigil before the Khartoum District Court East during a trial session against the administration of the university because of the dismissal of a number of students.

The court issued a temporary order to stop the exams scheduled for September 21 from taking place. Prosecutors' lawyers have also called for complaints to be filed against employees and registrars involved in threatening students.

A vigil was held before the Constitutional Court in Khartoum on Tuesday as well, to demand j that perpetrators of genocide be brought to trial.

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