Kasha orders arrest of Misseriya Jebel tribal figure in S. Darfur

A fairly senior tribal leader has been arrested in Kass, a town at the epicenter of an ongoing feud between two of Darfur’s largest Arab tribes in South Darfur.  Sources told Radio Dabanga that security authorities arrested Harun Imam Hassan, Deputy Nazir of the Misseriya Jebel, during a public meeting in the town.

A fairly senior tribal leader has been arrested in Kass, a town at the epicenter of an ongoing feud between two of Darfur’s largest Arab tribes in South Darfur.  Sources told Radio Dabanga that security authorities arrested Harun Imam Hassan, Deputy Nazir of the Misseriya Jebel, during a public meeting in the town. The authorities were acting on a direct order from Governor Abdel Hamid Musa Kasha. The governor’s presumed motive is that Harun had not responded positively to the state’s ongoing endeavors to solve the tribal problems in Kass Locality and sign a document for peaceful coexistence among the tribes of the north and north-east of the locality. The document was signed on Thursday.

Meanwhile, two leaders from a rival tribe died in an accident on their way to an reception with the Governor of South Darfur. Two people were killed and 10 others wounded in a car accident in Hashaba, north of Kass. Hasibullah Abdeljalil and Issa Hilal, leaders of the Rizeigat tribe in Kass Locality Cup, died in the accident. Three of the seriously wounded were transferred to Nyala for treatment.

